Hi, and welcome to your new web site.

It is important that you read this entire message, and save it for future reference.

Please use the following utilities to upload your web pages:

To access your statistical information on-line, please go to http://www.yourdomain.com/stats/reports/ <You can click here also>You will need your username and password to access this section of the site.

To access your mailbox (and administer your mail accounts) please go to mail.yourdomain.com <You can click here also>


To use the 'E-Mail Everywhere' web based email:

  1. Connect to mail.yourdomain.com (or click here)
  2. Enter your FULL email address, INCLUDING the domain part.    (admin@yourdomain.com)
  3. Now you have access to your mail accounts.  When you create mail addresses, please instruct your users to do the same
  4. Please make sure you clear your emails using a mail client (method below) or erase your read messages on a regular basis.  When you run out of email space, you won't be able to receive more emails.

To use a mail client to access your mail

  1. Use either POP3 or IMAP4 as your mail protocol
  2. Use mail.yourdomain.com as your mail server name for incoming (POP or IMAP) AND outgoing mail (SMTP)
  3. Use your FULL email address as the username (admin@yourdomain.com) not just your email account name.
  4. You must use the 'my server requires authentication' on the outgoing mail server properties. As our new spam control will not allow unauthorised users to user the server. (Use the same username and password for outgoing mail)

For Programmers, please read the following information

Pre-installed scripts:
FormMail (To send a web based form to your email address after it is filled in by the customer)
- Example is in your _cgi/formmail directory.  Have a look by clicking here

Mini Search engine (To search through your base site quickly) (not meant for large searches, please use Index Server in stead)
- Example is in your _cgi/search directory.  have a look by clicking here

Text or Graphical Page counter (To make your page count also, please rename it with an .asp extension and place the code snippet below in it.)
Text Counter can be seen here
Graphical counter can be seen here (For different graphics, just replace the _cgi/counter/digits/* with gifs named 0 to 9)

Please note: FrontPage users can use the FrontPage components to achieve the same results as the pre-installed scripts.

Technical Information:
Please use your _cgi directory for Perl scripts
Your home path will be e:\home\yourdomain.com\web\
Which in perl scripts would be e:\\home\\yourdomain.com\\web\\
Your CGI directory path will be e:\home\yourdomain.com\_cgi\
To create subwebs, please use FrontPage Explorer. (Additional Usernames can be purchased)

We wish you a good internet experience.